Human Sexuality Document - NCRS
In mid 2021 I was very grateful to join the team at NCRS (National Centre for Religious Studies). As my first project we needed to create a document for schools. The document name is: He Mea Hanga Mīharo ki tō te Atua Āhua – Wonderfully Made in God’s Image: A revised Framing Document for human sexuality education in Aotearoa Catholic schools. Essentially this document is a resource for schools and school communities from a Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic perspective.
With any project it's crucial that the design is created with a purpose. The classic three W's are always important.
Why are we doing it?
Who is it for?
What do we want to produce?
With this being my first design project for NCRS there was much listening and learning as we went along. It was important that as a designer that I brought the incredible text to life — basically the design needed to tell the story the team was trying to communicate. The design needed to be bold, but consistent and the illustration style needed to fit with the theme and speak to the text too.
Some design points that were incorporated:
- The simple and consistent colour choices make it easy for the viewers eye to follow.
- Colours were used to represent certain sections. For example; Orange was used to show when a quote from Pope Francis was used.
- Limiting font choices to two fonts helped with consistency. As well as setting up style guides with fonts. For example; the header font was always the same colour and size.
- The Illustration style chosen made it easy to change the colours to keep the bold colour choices consistent.
> View some of the custom illustrations and examples of the page layout below.
> Download the full Document HERE.
> Learn more about NCRS HERE.
I hope this document is helpful to schools. May it affirm that we are all welcomed, all beautiful, good, true, and made in Gods image — called to have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).
~ Jane