Saint and Legend Cards - All Designs
​- These unique cards feature one of a kind illustrations.
- Every existing card design has a special or quotes prayer on the back of each, plus details are also listed about each saint and legend.
- The concept for these cards came about after seeing only sad, pious prayer cards available—surely saints and legendary people don't need to look so sad and scary!
- Hopefully, these can create a connection with our ever-sent God.
- They are perfect to keep for yourself or give out to adults & children.
- Stick them on the fridge, in your wallet, or leave one as a random act of kindness too.
*Note: Due to current study commitments, I won't be taking new card design orders at the moment.
This will be reviewed in November/December 2025. Thank you for your understanding at this time. ~ Jane
1. Scroll down to the end and fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
2. I will get back to you and confirm shipping cost + delivery estimate.
3. Your order will be placed with our printer + you will be sent an invoice.
4. You will receive your Cards - hurray.
~ Jane
Saint and Legend cards have travelled around the world!
Some of the countries include Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Micronesia, New Zealand, Palestine, Scotland, Spain, Thailand, USA.
Please email me any photos with your Saint Cards, I would love for the cards to reach every country in the world.
​Together let's show the world the power of prayer and community...
- St Alphonsa
- St Ambrose
- St Anne
- St Anthony
- St Augustine
- St Benedict of Nursia
- St Brigid of Ireland
​- St Catherine of Siena
- St Cecilia
- St Christopher
- St Peter Chanel
- St Francis of Assisi
- St Francis de Sales
- St Francis Xavier
- Holy Family
- St Ignatius of Loyola
- St James the Greater
- St Joan of Arc
- St John (the Apostle)
- St John Bosco
- St John the Baptist
- St Joseph
- St Josephine Bakhita
​- St Kateri
- St Louis de Montfort
- St Marcellin
- St Martin de Porres
- St Mary MacKillop
- St Mary MacKillop & Julian Tenison Woods
- St Mél of Ardagh
- St Michael
- St Monica
​- St Mother Teresa
- St Oscar Romero
- St Padre Pio
- St Patrick
- St Paul of the Cross
- St Pedro Calungsod
- St Peter
​- Pope St John XXIII
- Pope St John XXIII & Pope St John Paul II
​- Pope St John II
- St Rita
- St Rose
- St Teresa of Avila
- St Therese
- St Vincent de Paul
NOTE - Other prayer card images can be purchased through Mary MacKillop Place:
St Mary MacKillop - HERE
St Joseph - HERE
Julian & Mary - HERE
Julian Tenison Woods - HERE