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Koru Illustration Icons - Seaons for Growth NZ 

Catholic Diocese of Auckland (Aotearoa New Zealand) hired me to create custom icon illustrations to help promote the Seasons for Growth grief program.

– My designjane project process insures that the design work is purposeful, on-target and no time is wasted. Before any design work was started a series of questions were asked to help give a better understanding of the intended use and desired goals for the illustrations // icons.
– Images of similar styles of illustration were sent to also confirm the client agreed on the intended illustration style.
– Initial rough hand sketches were created. One icon was created at a time, moving through them singly to ensure no time was wasted, the client was kept in the loop through the project, engaging in a conversation of constructive feedback.
– Once all four icons were finished then the colour options and photoshop mock-ups were created. Photoshop mock-ups are a wonderful essential way to help both the designer and the client visualise how the illustrations may be used.
– Files were supplied in various formats and sizes and colour breakdown was also supplied.
- End result = purposeful, versatile, relevant new icons.

~ Jane 

Koru Seasons Icons

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