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Packaging + Illustrations - Kiwi Christmas

New packaging was created to promote food items for sale as Christmas gifts. The graphic layout and colour placement needed to work with the packaging shape and interior plastic housing for the products, and also suit the kiwi target market. The icon elements were custom created then used to in the layout & colour placement for the subtle ‘Kiwi Christmas’ theme. This was simply and effectively promoted in accordance with a strong branded look for Christmas. Bright colours were used for impact + colours were also chosen to work with and enhance the flavours.

Process: Create initial graphic elements + colour / font choices, consult with the client, create layout using agreed elements, make changes, set-up final artwork, supply final files to printer and review proofs. 

This product sold very well and was one very successful packaging design project! 

~ Jane 


Many packaging and signage designs were created for Couplands Bakeries. A sampling of other packaging designs below.  

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