Where in the world is God? Is God only over there, here, or everywhere?
I have been hearing these questions through many people lately - honestly, my face is a wee bit sore from striking the confusion pose! In prayer I have been trying to listen to where God is at this time. Spoiler alert, I don't have the answers. But, I do get a sense that God has always been present and always will be. We only need to look at the Old Testament to see that things don't always go in a straight line. At this time, I'm simply trusting with patience, waiting, living "in remembrance" of our ever present God who "is all, and in all". Perhaps with this weekend's Gospel in mind, the challenge of faith is to seek and patiently find God in our journey, wherever that journey may take us?
There is one quote that has also been sticking with me from our Mary MacKillop ("there where you are you will find God"). So, when my parish priest asked me to create an illustration around this particular quote, I trusted, prayed and inspiration struck. I wondered where Mary would be today, I could see her leaning up against the doorway, helping at a food bank, or perhaps restricted like us, only able to go to the supermarket for essentials. I hope this illustration reminds us of Gods presence here, there and everywhere. Certainly through the ups and the downs, never in a straight line, and especially with us when we are trying to find toilet paper or hand sanitiser at the supermarket!
As Julian of Norwich also reminds us: “The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything. God is the ground, the substance, the teaching, the teacher, the purpose, and the reward for which every soul labours.”
I have also created a new Resources tab at the top of this webpage. There you will also find a 'Colouring In' page with some free high resolution downloads of this illustration and others. Great to use for prayer / mediation (individually or for parish or school). Be sure to watch the 30 second time-lapse below for a bit of fun too.
May we always remember that here, there, everywhere - we are forever blessed.
Happy Eastertide!
~ Jane
Further Articles for reflection:
Patience with God - Ronald Rolheiser OMI
Where is God in the agony of coronavirus? - Sr Christine Schenk
Where is God in a Pandemic? - James Martin SJ
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